As I type this in the darkness of my dining room, it is Saturday night, January 14th. It’s hard to believe, but it has already been two full weeks since I stepped away from Facebook, Instagram and Periscope.
Can I just tell you? I have not regretted stepping away from any of them!
I am pleasantly surprised with how smooth it is going at this stage. I expected to be tempted to sneak a peak or check in with friends and family through these social media platforms. I also anticipated feeling very alone and left out of the loop. Remarkably, this isn’t the case.
[happy dance]
This may be, in part, due to my parents visiting us (from out-of-state) during the first week and a half of January. Their physical presence likely made it easier for me to be a bit distracted from the lack of social media connection. The timing for their visit was seemingly impeccable. Thank you, Mom and Dad!
Fortunately, even with my parents gone the past few days, I still feel pretty good! I’ve been on my phone less, overall, than I have in a long time. I’ve engaged with my kids more (though there is still room for improvement in this area!). My kids share some fascinating ideas and interesting stories when they have an attentive audience to listen to them. 🙂
There are times I still check my phone too often throughout the day out of habit. I am trying to kick this habit by leaving my phone on silent or in the other room. Part of my daily routine for so long has been to check and see if people are trying to get a hold of me in any way, shape or form. This pattern kept my phone close to my side at all times. It’s hard to let go of that comfort, that safety line. While I still desire to remain connected to friends and family, I am still trying to figure out how to accomplish doing this through different means.
It/I will continue to be a work in progress.
One step at a time.
An interesting revelation I have had since beginning this journey, is that I like my “voice” to be heard. I enjoy sharing with others my thoughts, ideas, experiences, hardships, triumphs, beliefs, ponderings, and overall life. Even if no one hears me but I am able to get it out, I feel … better. I’m learning that if I bottle up my thoughts, if I can’t ask the questions, if I can’t share my journey, if I can’t write … I feel bound. It’s as if there’s a dam with stagnant (or raging) water in me. When I share, the dam breaks, the waters are released, and fresh water is brought in its place. To get out what is going on inside, helps me sort through and navigate my journey in a healthier way.
Hhhmmm, to clarify, I’m not saying only junk comes out of me, haha, I am only realizing that it gets junky if I keep it in. I can’t keep it all in. I need a healthy outlet.
For this time and season, this blog is my outlet.
As long as it’s healthy for me to share here, I will continue to do so.
With (at least) 50 more weeks to go in being Social Media Free, I anticipate many more revelations and learning experiences along the way. I already know of a few more insights from this new journey, but I’ll save those to share in future posts.
Until then, have a wonderful weekend!
To God be the Glory!