Back in 2005 (or so), I was asked by our pastor’s wife to share at an upcoming women’s retreat. When she asked me, I was actually quite shocked. I wasn’t even 30 years old at that time, yet she wanted me to share with and teach other younger and older women? I had no idea someone thought I could have something valuable enough to impart to others.
It’s amazing what happens when someone else encourages you to step out in faith. You gain a little bit of … courage.
I ultimately said “yes” and stepped out of my comfort zone.
I shared with the ladies that retreat weekend what I was learning. I had object lessons and visual aids, I was serious yet light-hearted, I encouraged the ladies to press on, and I shared God’s Word with them. It actually felt pretty good, as if I was making a little difference.
I ended up being asked to share that same message the following Sunday to the entire church. It apparently made an impact greater than I had realized. Once again, I was encouraged.
I can’t tell you all of the details of what I said over a decade ago, but I do know I shared what I knew, what I had experienced, what I was learning, and what God’s word said. It was an amazing moment for me. If no one else was encouraged, I knew I was. God was giving me the opportunity to practice my gifts, teach others, and share what He was doing.
The following year, I was asked to share at that same annual women’s retreat. Once again, I accepted the invitation.
Unfortunately, the results of my sharing would prove to be a wee bit different.
During that season, prior to the retreat, I was reading a book by Randy Alcorn called, “Heaven.” For whatever reason, I decided to speak/share on Heaven, using that book as the backdrop. This is a subject I knew very little about and wasn’t overly passionate about the topic, yet I studied up, took notes, and prepared as much as possible.
When the time came for me to give my little workshop and teach, the proverbial wheels fell off of the wagon. I’m not fully sure what happened during that hour, but I knew it wasn’t like the previous year. I didn’t make any sense as I spoke, I was lost in my thinking, and I had trouble describing or showing what I was trying to convey.
Something was off.
The ladies were left confused.
More questions were raised than were answered.
It wasn’t a beneficial time for anyone (as far as I was concerned).
I felt horrible and useless.
From that point, I knew something needed to changed. But what?!
What had changed between the first and second year of sharing with these same ladies?
Then, I realized what was different. I was trying to teach from another person’s passions or knowledge, not from my own. When I am trying to be passionate about something of which I am not, there is little to no passion to be found. The message is lost. I can’t teach (as effectively) what I don’t know, haven’t experienced, or aren’t eager to pursue.
Ultimately, I wasn’t following the Lord’s leading. I had read an interesting book and was attempting to lead in my own thoughts, plans and expectations while dragging Him down the road with me. Let me just tell you now, this is not a good plan. As I learned through this experience, the wheels will often fall off of the wagon, eventually, and you will go nowhere.
There must be another way.
His way.
God has walked me through some interesting experiences that make my story and perspective unique. It’s not for my glory, but for His. I have learned hard lessons, discovered powerful Truths, walked through peaks and valleys, and HE has been with me through it all. It’s amazing to sit back and ponder the various things in my life that I have experienced, learned, or am continuing to learn about even now. The journey is never over.
In these “journeys,” I have experienced …
Fighting to be Diligent
Woes of Dating
Peaks and Valleys of Marriage
Family Relationships
Foster Care
Learning Patience
Battling Fear
Walking by Faith
Serving (selflessly and selfishly)
Practicing Hospitality
Struggling with Self-Control
Discovering Boundaries
Finding Balance
Following-Through (or lack thereof)
Being Bold and Courageous
Encouraging Others
Standing Firm
These are just a “few” of some of the journeys I could easily share on or teach about at any point. Why? Because, I have walked (or am walking) these roads. Some are beautiful, some are ugly. Whatever the experience, trust me, it is SO much easier and more effective to pass on what is part of your journey, instead of someone else’s (or a random author’s) journey.
I encourage you to share. Teach, impart, walk with, guide, and inspire others with your life and gifts, all for God’s glory. No fear. Be bold. Be real. The good, bad and ugly. No one else can share your story and passions, like you. In that same vein, no one else can share my stories and passions, like me.
So, here I am with this little blog, “sharing what I know” and what I’m learning, with you. I hope and pray it blesses you, however great or small.
To God be the Glory!