Two weeks down, fifty more to go

As I type this in the darkness of my dining room, it is Saturday night, January 14th. It’s hard to believe, but it has already been two full weeks since I stepped away from Facebook, Instagram and Periscope.

Can I just tell you? I have not regretted stepping away from any of them!

I am pleasantly surprised with how smooth it is going at this stage. I expected to be tempted to sneak a peak or check in with friends and family through these social media platforms. I also anticipated feeling very alone and left out of the loop. Remarkably, this isn’t the case.

[happy dance]

This may be, in part, due to my parents visiting us (from out-of-state) during the first week and a half of January. Their physical presence likely made it easier for me to be a bit distracted from the lack of social media connection. The timing for their visit was seemingly impeccable. Thank you, Mom and Dad!

Fortunately, even with my parents gone the past few days, I still feel pretty good! I’ve been on my phone less, overall, than I have in a long time. I’ve engaged with my kids more (though there is still room for improvement in this area!). My kids share some fascinating ideas and interesting stories when they have an attentive audience to listen to them. 🙂

There are times I still check my phone too often throughout the day out of habit. I am trying to kick this habit by leaving my phone on silent or in the other room. Part of my daily routine for so long has been to check and see if people are trying to get a hold of me in any way, shape or form. This pattern kept my phone close to my side at all times. It’s hard to let go of that comfort, that safety line. While I still desire to remain connected to friends and family, I am still trying to figure out how to accomplish doing this through different means.

It/I will continue to be a work in progress.

One step at a time.

An interesting revelation I have had since beginning this journey, is that I like my “voice” to be heard. I enjoy sharing with others my thoughts, ideas, experiences, hardships, triumphs, beliefs, ponderings, and overall life. Even if no one hears me but I am able to get it out, I feel … better. I’m learning that if I bottle up my thoughts, if I can’t ask the questions, if I can’t share my journey, if I can’t write … I feel bound. It’s as if there’s a dam with stagnant (or raging) water in me. When I share, the dam breaks, the waters are released, and fresh water is brought in its place. To get out what is going on inside, helps me sort through and navigate my journey in a healthier way.

Hhhmmm, to clarify, I’m not saying only junk comes out of me, haha, I am only realizing that it gets junky if I keep it in. I can’t keep it all in. I need a healthy outlet.

For this time and season, this blog is my outlet.

As long as it’s healthy for me to share here, I will continue to do so.

With (at least) 50 more weeks to go in being Social Media Free, I anticipate many more revelations and learning experiences along the way. I already know of a few more insights from this new journey, but I’ll save those to share in future posts.

Until then, have a wonderful weekend!

To God be the Glory!

Fun Fact Friday – January 13, 2017

It’s Fun Fact Friday!

You know what that means? A “fun” list of facts about me, my life, my likes and dislikes, as well as any other random fact I find to be interesting to share with you.


  1. Currently, I am teaching a class about William Shakespeare to 5th and 6th graders at our local homeschool co-op. I am learning so much right along with the students!
  2. Papa and I are in our 11th year of homeschooling our crew. Wowza.
  3. I love Frixion brand pens. Why, you ask? They are erasable (using friction)! I value being able to use ink while maintaining the flexibility of erasing my (many) mistakes.
  4. I don’t especially like the words butt, fart or moist. I disliked even typing them out for this list, haha!
  5. Even from a young age, I have dreamed of going to Africa and serving in an orphanage. I have yet to make it there, but still hope to do so some day.
  6. My hair is the curliest it has ever been. It amazes me how much it has changed over the years.
  7. I am pretty competitive. I can be a gracious loser, but I sure do love (and expect) to win!
  8. I love my label maker, laminator, and Costco-sized package of page protectors. They help me organize the chaos in my life. 🙂
  9. From as far back as I can remember, I have always planned to have 4 children.  Little did I know, God had different plans and we currently have 6 children in our home (by birth, adoption and foster care). Who knows what the future holds for our family. We may make our plans, but it is the Lord who directs our steps.

To God be the Glory!

The gift of dreaming

I love Christmas morning. The wonder and excitement of celebrating Jesus, being with family, eating fabulous food, giving and receiving gifts, enjoying the white lights on the tree, and drinking many mugs of coffee, hot chocolate and/or spiced cider. Our day here at home is a simple one on Christmas, yet there is often a very profound moment where I am overwhelmed with deep gratitude. It’s a gratitude that goes beyond the physical nature of the day.

You see, gift giving and receiving is not a huge deal for me, personally. I feel daunted at getting the “perfect” gifts for others, and find I am humbled by the thoughtful gifts given to me.

During this last Christmas season, I had a revelation about various gifts I have received. More specifically, the wonderful gifts I have received from Papa over the years. When I reflect on the numerous gifts he has given to me, I find there is typically a theme: my dreams and ideas.

I’m not even sure he knows or realizes this, but he has given me so many gifts that have encouraged me to dream and pursue what I love or enjoy.

The very first year we were married, he gave me a KitchenAid mixer. I love to bake, and this gift encouraged the desire and dream in me to be able to bake. I love baking chocolate chip cookies, in particular, and have used that mixer to make many batches to bless my family and to bless others.

Another year, he gave me a new cell phone (so long flip-phone!), knowing I desired to (somehow) be closer to my family who live far far away. He gave me the gift of connecting with others more efficiently, effectively and personally.

In my pursuit of capturing our lives, memories, and special moments through my camera, he gifted me with an amazing lens.

He knows I find fulfilment in writing, researching, and (again) connecting with people, to which he gave me my very first laptop so I could do so, freely. 🙂

Last year, after discovering I enjoyed painting, he purchased all of the basic supplies needed to paint, to create.

This past Christmas, he presented me with a microphone.  A very, very nice microphone.  He knows I have shared the idea of having my own podcast (of some sort) in the future. He has not just simply encouraged me with his words, but he has encouraged me with his gifts.

He has given me the gift of dreaming.

It begs me to ask myself if, when, and how am I giving the gift of dreaming to others. Am I giving it to Papa, to the kids, to those in my little sphere of influence? A gentle nudge here, an encouraging word or a spontaneous gift there, am I giving others this same gift of dreaming and pursuing what they love?

Though I do not know when or how I will use my new microphone, I do know it has enabled me to press ahead. It was the extra push I needed to put myself out there and actually start this blog.

Receiving these various items over the years, being able to truly pursue my ideas and to cultivate them is empowering. I know Papa stands beside me in the journey, he believes in me. This, friends, is truly a gift.

To God be the Glory!

Fun Fact Friday – January 6th

When I shared with the Facebook world that I wasn’t going to be on there for a year, I was shocked to find a theme among many of the comments: Fun Fact Fridays.

I had no idea, but many of my friends and family enjoyed my weekly “Fun Fact Friday” posts. On Fridays, I would share random “fun facts” about myself. Sometimes they were silly or practical, involved childhood memories, or listed various things I liked or disliked. They were always meant to be engaging (maybe we’re exactly the same or polar opposites!) and also to help others catch a little glimpse into my life.

Earlier this week, it dawned on me, I can do Fun Fact Fridays on the blog!

So, here is my very first Fun Fact Friday list for the 2017 year, enjoy!

  1. I like chewing gum, especially the minty flavors.
  2. When I was little, I had more fun setting up the Barbie’s house, clothes, furniture and hair, than actually playing with the Barbies (talking for them, creating stories and scenarios, etc.).
  3. I had Bell’s Palsy when I was 9 years old. It lasted for about 4-5 weeks.
  4. I love eating Grape Nuts, especially when they are extra crunchy, drowning in milk, and with a sprinkle of sugar on top. I try to eat them quickly so they don’t get soggy.
  5. I know it’s a common fear, but I really do not enjoy heights. Watching people stand on the edges of cliffs, bridges and buildings freaks me out. My heart starts to race and have a strong urge to grab them before they fall.
  6. Unknowingly in the moment, I will stare at people when I am really thinking or processing something. My kids can tell when I am writing/typing something of value if I blankly stare at any one of them without saying anything. haha!
  7. Even though we live in a warmer climate, my hands and feet are often cold.
  8. Dove milk chocolate is my favorite chocolate. So smooth and creamy.

What started the process

During a conversation yesterday about my decision to go “social media free” for a year, a dear friend asked me what started the whole process.  At what point did I begin toying with this idea of stepping away from social media.

As I contemplated this question, I thought back to try and recall what significant event occurred in the Fall to bring me to this experience. It came to me quickly: Bro turned 16.

It was in those months and days leading up to and following his 16th birthday that had me thinking about time.

Time is short.

I often feel it’s far too short. Blink, and it’s already passed.

I remember mulling over how time with Bro (living at home) was whizzing by at a rapid pace. According to our culture, we have approximately 2 years left before he moves out on his own. Two years, folks. Time was and is of the essence.

I was missing it.

There are so many things I still want to do before Bro is an independent adult.  I want to teach him more about life. I have words of wisdom I desire to impart to him. I want to experience more adventures with him. I long to create lasting memories with him. I want to be available for when he wants to share his latest ideas, books he’s read, music he likes, friends he hangs with, and about his journey of faith.

If I am looking down at my little iPhone screen more than into his face, I will look up and find him gone. I don’t want to miss it. I don’t want to miss him. I don’t want to miss seeing him growing into a young man. I don’t want to neglect this precious time we have together, now.

No regrets.

Something needed to change. I needed a powerful shift to take place in my daily habits, behaviors, and commitments.  It was in these first thoughts that I felt a pull to kick social media to the curb. Not that social media is inherently bad or wrong, but I was allowing it to rule my time. More specifically, I was allowing it to suck my time dry so I had nothing extra to give my family beyond the basics. I was spending more time looking at a screen than into my son’s face; his boyish face that was now transforming into a handsome young man’s face.

This is what caused me to reevaluate things. It took me a few months to fully grasp the magnitude of this decision. Yet, I knew in the depths of my heart that it was the right decision to step away from social media for this season, for this 2017 year.

This journey was further confirmed when Bro shared in my bio that “it’s fun when you spend time with us.” This isn’t a one-way street, friends. He enjoys spending time with me, too! Praise the Lord!

I am ready and eager to be fully present with and available to my son, my family, and those near and dear to me throughout this year.

To God be the Glory!

Here we go!

It is officially day 2 in the year of 2017.

In some aspects, I’m not ready to begin a new year. I’m not ready for my children to be another year older. I’m not ready to begin schooling after winter break. I’m not ready to leave the past behind and press on to the future.

Yet, here we are. Here I am. Time keeps ticking. We are thrust into the present.


Hmmmm, even as I am typing, that word stands out to me. Present. Present in the here and now.  Present. Not in the future or the past, but in the moment. Present. I like it. Perhaps it will be my “word of the year?” I’m not sure. I simply know it fits with what I am committing to do this year.

Let me explain.

This last year marked the completion of my 10th official year on social media.  It’s my favorite way to use up any of my spare time. I love Facebook. I love Instagram. I love Periscope. The virtual connection I feel with other people gives me a weird … high. Being able to share what’s happening in my own life, catching glimpses into others’ lives, looking at pictures, asking questions, doing silly surveys, joining groups, seeking information, and finding support, are just a few reasons why social media is a beautiful world to me.

I love it. Truly. I love it a lot.

Therein lies the problem.

I love it so much that it literally sucks hours and hours of my time each week. Dare I say, I might even have an addiction. Yes, I think I do.

You know those  studies showing people look at their phones over a hundred (or more?) times a day? I believe it. Not because I see others do it (though that’s the case, too), but because I do it. I love looking at my little cracked iPhone screen.

Most of my friends and family may not know this, but social media to me is similar to how a pacifier, bottle or special blankie is to a baby.  Always looking for it. Always needing it. Always holding it close. There’s comfort within it. Take it away and tantrums, of varying proportions, may ensue.

As I enter my 11th year of virtually connecting with friends, family and strangers near and far, I am making the decision to let go. I’m letting go for an entire year. No social media for all of 2017. It’s getting real here, folks.

In choosing to let go of a piece of my security, I am hoping there won’t be any tantrums, fits of rage, or tears. Well, maybe the last one isn’t true. I actually do expect tears. The withdrawals are going to be hard, really hard. Harder than I may be anticipating, yet, I know it’s what I need to do.

I’ve known since the Fall of 2016 that I needed to do this. I told my husband about it at the beginning of December 2016. I let the Facebook world know shortly after Christmas time.

There’s no turning back.

Though I anticipate the first few days, weeks and months to be hard, I anticipate more the freedom it will bring. The benefits and gains will far outweigh any loss.

This new blog is to help me process the journey. It’s to help me share the essence of one and all that is going on in my life. I want to share what I’m learning, what I’m thinking, and what I’m doing. I love to write. For some strange reason, I think I’ll have some more time on my hands in this 2017 year. I suspect you’ll be hearing from me again soon.

Happy New Year! It’s going to be a great year!

To God be the Glory!