I have so many thoughts running through my head every single day. All. Day. Every. Day. Some of them are things I need to do, want to do, dream of doing, or just random ideas about a variety things in our lives. I know I’m not alone in this … but boy … it’s quite a lot to process when I lay it all out there.
For instance, below are 105 actual thoughts, ideas and questions I’ve already had TODAY (and it’s only 12:11pm as I type this!!):
- I’d like to start exercising on a regular basis.
- I can’t really exercise until I get my plantar fasciitis under control (it’s too painful right now!).
- I need to do physical therapy for my plantar fasciitis.
- I need to fold that basket full of clean laundry.
- I’m contemplating if I could/would ever become a midwife or doula in the future. Would I be good? Would people like me? Is it a good source of income? What training and schooling do I need to do?
- I have a lesson to finish for my Shakespeare class at our local homeschool co-op.
- I can’t forget to give Munchkin her medicine with lunch.
- I’d love to journal, if time allows.
- What are we going to have for dinner?
- I have my old laptop, I’d like to check and see if it still works.
- I need to stay close and tend to Bro as he is battling an intense eye pressure headache from his glaucoma.
- I want to watch a video on YouTube … but I need to fight that urge so I can stay focused on what needs to get done. Otherwise, I’ll get sucked into the vortex of videos.
- I need to update our budget and purchases with the Every Dollar program we use.
- My kids are loud. Maybe I should invest in noise-canceling headphones?
- We have ants sneaking into the house, I should really address that soon. Maybe I’ll ask Papa to take care of that later? I keep forgetting to mention it to him.
- I love that my kids are playing Legos together, but I really need to help them get moving on their schoolwork for the day.
- Did the garbage get taken out to the road? The garbage truck is coming today.
- I really want to play around with my new microphone for podcasting, but I’ll wait until I get my new headphones so I can hear myself more clearly.
- Why do I buy cheap-o Ramen? It’s so junky for our health, but we love it.
- How do I get my kids motivated to do their work without sounding like I’m nagging all of the time?
- Papa and I should have a little pow-wow of what we are going to commit to doing this year with our kids. More specifically, what will our schedule look like with all of our activities, sports, homeschooling, youth groups, work, commitments, etc.? What should we focus on and what do we need to let go of or simplify?
- Taz has a science kit he loves using. I hate science. But, I feel guilty for not sitting down with him to do some experiments.
- I wonder what Munchkin’s future is going to be?
- Sparkle loves her new boots. Wow. Like, a lot. She hasn’t taken them off all morning from the time she woke up.
- How can I teach my kids to be patient and kind with their words, when I struggle with those very same things?
- This bowl of peanuts is probably stale by now. I wonder if I should make some peanut butter? Or toss them?
- I want a piece of chocolate.
- I love Papa.
- The kids are getting over their sickness, but are asking for sugary treats. Ugh. No sugar for 2 more days, kids!
- I love that Papa fixed our leaking faucet. So thankful.
- I don’t miss Facebook.
- These empty drawer bins in the garage need to either be put to use, or given away, or sold.
- I need to return these shorts to Costco.
- I still need to sell that huge lot of Barbie stuff for the girls.
- Demo is very organized. I love that about her.
- King was so kind to take Munchkin outside to play for a bit.
- What do I do with this loaf of Jewish Rye bread our neighbors gave us? I’m not a fan of the flavor.
- I love Doritos.
- Shall I eat a sandwich, chips and fruit for lunch, or shall I eat veggies, pita chips and hummus?
- I want a second cup of coffee, but am limiting it to one cup in the morning. Self-control, Momma. You can do it.
- I have great kids.
- I need to take these guest pillows and blankets upstairs and put them in one of the kids’ closets. I wonder if there’s room?
- I love having a clean kitchen.
- Today is a good day so far.
- I wonder how long we will serve in the foster care system? (I don’t have an answer, by the way.)
- Why do my kids ask a million questions? More specifically, the same questions over and over!
- I just want to curl up with a cozy blanket and read my book(s) today.
- I need to remember to give my friend these hand-me-down clothes that are just sitting here by the front door.
- Time to make grilled cheese and tomato soup for a sick feeling Bro.
- Don’t forget to buy a new runner rug from Costco to go in front of the washer and dryer.
- Make sure to note all upcoming appointments and commitments for the week in my planner (I use a “Happy Planner” for those who are curious).
- Make a new appointment for Demo with the physical therapist for next week.
- Call the occupational therapist for Munchkin to get evaluated for getting physical therapy, too.
- Remember to read the story one of my Shakespeare students wrote and shared with me. (I love that he did this!)
- Oh no! I forgot to meal plan for the week!
- Use up the red meat in the freezer.
- What in the world am I going to do with this massive frozen pork loin from Costco? It’s huge! It’ll feed us for a week! How do I store it while it’s defrosting? It won’t fit in the fridge. Maybe use the cooler?
- How will I use these rice noodles? Stir-fry of some sort, maybe? Why did I even buy them?
- Start the day with “morning time” with the kids … even if it’s already later than usual.
- Go ahead and take a shower and get dressed. (You’ll all be pleased to know I did do this, yay!)
- How can I change my tone to be more positive throughout the day instead of negative?
- Smile at the kids.
- Postpone a couple of particular blog posts until a better and more proper time.
- I really need a haircut. When can I go? I should call my friend so we can set an appointment together and try someone new! (Haircut date with a friend, yay!)
- Taz’s adoption day anniversary is coming up! Are we going to do anything special for it? We haven’t yet, but maybe we will this year?
- I should do a load of laundry, but lack the gumption to do so today. I’ll do it tomorrow.
- Why do my kids keep breaking all of our rulers? Maybe I should invest in metal ones.
- I would like to write down a few things I am thankful for in my “thankful” journal. I haven’t done that in a long while.
- Order more glaucoma eye drops for Bro this week before he runs out.
- Text a friend and ask when hockey season officially begins.
- Do I take Munchkin to our homeschool co-op even though she still has a lingering cough? Ask co-op leadership what they think.
- Sell the “Echo Dot” we were given to help raise funds for Bro’s missions trip this summer.
- Start pulling out the swim club fundraiser info to start preparing now for it.
- When is my next Chiropractor appointment?
- Is Pay Day this week?
- Man, we are flying through our tissues from all of this sickness.
- Oops. I forgot to put away our clothes that are still hanging up in the garage.
- I love our comfy comforter.
- I wonder if Papa started reading the book I left in the bathroom? It’s a great book.
- Have the kids completed their math yet?
- Where are all of our erasers?
- Put a piece of washy tape on my earbuds so they are distinguished from Bro’s earbuds (we have the same pair).
- Yuck. We have a lot of dust around the TV in our bedroom.
- Put away medical papers into Munchkin’s file.
- Make a note on the calendar when to refill Munchkin’s prescriptions.
- What dreams did I have as a kid?
- I really like writing.
- Do podcasts count as social media?
- I’d love to bake loaves of bread and take them to the homeless while they are still warm, along with a large bottle of water. Bread and water, the essentials. (The kids got excited about this, too, when I told them about it during our “morning time.”)
- I need to stop comparing myself to other moms.
- I want to always live and parent from a biblical perspective.
- Prioritize, Momma.
- Why do we have this rolling office chair? It just gets in the way!
- Oh! Let’s take a cute impromptu pic of the kids! Well, except without Bro who is laying down and not feeling well.
- Focus, Taz, focus. I’m trying to help you with your math, not frustrate you.
- Take a deep breath.
- Delegate one of the kids to cover the windows on our front doors with parchment paper. I feel too exposed.
- King really likes his hair style. He’s always touching his hair. He also needs a haircut to clean up some of those edges. When in the world am I going to do that? Sparkle is pestering me for a haircut, too. Might as well give everyone haircuts … need a full day to do that! No full days this to accomplish this. Maybe in a couple of weeks?
- I should really get new shoes to help my aching feet, but I feel guilty for buying some (they’re usually pretty pricey for the kind I need with my plantar fasciitis issues).
- I wonder when I’ll be able to finish filing our stack of paperwork and bills?
- I don’t like that plastic chair. I prefer this wood one with a higher backing.
- Text or email teachers letting them know we might not make it to co-op this week.
- I love date night with Papa. Date night, best night!
- I think we have dentist appointments coming up. Yup, 4 dentist appointments and 2 orthodontic appointments next month.
- I should write a new blog post about something. But, I’m not sure what to write.
Y’all. It’s true. I had ALL of these thoughts cross my mind at some point this morning … and that’s not even all of them. In fact, many of these, I thought about multiple times.
Please tell me I’m not alone. 🙂
It looks overwhelming when I read the list in its entirety, but I don’t feel overwhelmed. I am learning to find balance, because I simply have too many ideas, and there’s just not enough time in a day to do it all.
I’m OK with that … well, most days I am …
To God be the Glory!