Fun Fact Friday is here, once again!
- Even though it’s “Spring Break” this week for our local public schools, we are not taking any breaks from our daily homeschooling subjects.
- Next week, Papa’s parents and sister come to town for a visit! The kids won’t be doing very much schooling that week. That’s the beauty of homeschooling. We get to switch around our weeks off of school to accommodate what is best for our family.
- I am a fan of “Melissa and Doug” toys. They are educational and solid in design.
- I am quite behind on my emails, texts and blog posts this week. Not sure why I’m so delayed in them, but I better hop to it and get things moving soon!
- I had a homeschool co-op teacher (during my high school years) that would put the initials “K.I.S.S.” on my papers/reports: “Keep It Simple Sister.” He recognized, even back then, my tendency to want to use a lot of words when I write. I still can’t help it. It’s how I’m wired. Details, details, details.
- I have all of our family wall calendars dating back every year to 1999. It’s fun to look back and see what all was happening, who we were hanging out with, and how busy (or not) we were during various seasons of our family.
- I prefer sleeping with heavy blankets as opposed to light and airy ones. The weight helps me feel safe, secure, and cozy.
- I learned a trick (an obvious one!) this month for saving money in our grocery bills: shop every other week instead of every week. When I shop every week, I simply buy more than is needed. Shopping every other week pushes us to use up what we have before we invest in more. Less waste. I buy less, overall, when I’m not at the grocery store as often!
- I think I’d enjoy visiting Colorado at some point. It seems like a beautiful place to stay for a nice vacation.
- I love mountains. They are so majestic, massive, and beautiful. Maybe that’s why Colorado has a certain appeal to me?