Fun Fact Friday!
- “Moleskine” notebooks are my favorite! Thick paper, sturdy cover, elastic band to hold it closed, variety of color options for the cover, paper can have lines or grids or be completely blank … so good!
- We use Moleskine notebooks for our shared journals with the kids. We write something to the kids in their own notebook, place it under or on their pillow, they respond, then place it under or on our pillow, and so it goes back and forth. Perhaps I’ll do a post about them, some day?
- Papa and I just bought a new bed (yay for Costco sales)!! Our old mattress, a very low end “sleep number” bed, was well over 10 years old. Needless to say, it had seen better days. The air chambers were wonky and making various areas bulge and stick out, making for an interesting night of sleep. The new bed is so big and fluffy it almost feels like we are climbing up a mountain just to get onto it! hahhaha!
- As a kid, when I would color a picture, I would try to get every color of the rainbow onto the paper, somehow. It felt more balanced and full of life with all of the colors.
- After taking off my shoes and socks the other day, Taz exclaimed in wonder, “I’ve never seen your bare feet before!” Even though I know that statement is untrue, it does speak volumes to how often I wear socks and shoes.
- It is not uncommon to have someone share something vulnerable with me and follow it up with, “I’m not even sure why I told you all of that!” I guess I naturally invite people to share their heart with me. I am always so honored when someone does so.
- When I was about 19 years old, I broke a small bone or two in my hand when I went running full speed into the side of a car when trying to race across the middle capture-the-flag territory line. I only had eyes to get to safety, the parked car was not even in my line of sight until it was too late. Ouch!
- It is hard for me to sit still. I am a mover … even if it’s subtle movement (like playing with a pen or holding a beverage or shifting my leg positions). I like having something to DO.