It’s Fun Fact Friday!
- Eight years ago, today, our family made a quick and major move to a new state. It’s amazing how fast time flies.
- I still catch myself mentally or verbally saying, “7, we have 7 kids right now!” We ARE crazy (in the most fun, exciting, never-a-dull-moment kind of way)!
- When we have a bunch of left-over taco meat from “Taco Tuesday” dinner, I often use it as the base for a batch of chili the next day. The taco seasoning on the meat adds a nice kick and flavor to the chili. If there is any leftover chili, we can then use it for another meal as a topper for a baked potato bar (which is something we rarely do because the chili is typically gone).
- Growing up, I recall having 3 dinners we regularly ate together as a family: spaghetti, mac n cheese (with peas and apple sauce), and chicken & noodles (with green beans). Oh, and pizza. We like pizza (take ‘n’ bake).
- I did not like onions, garlic, or cashews as a kid. Now, I really enjoy them!
- I love the rain.
- This is the first week I have ever had a child in the public school system. Drop-offs, pick-ups, lunches, homework, teachers, field trips, etc. This is due to the fact that our new foster placement is enrolled in the local elementary school. It’s a whole new world.
- I love homeschooling.
- When I am deep in thought (often when I’m emailing, researching or writing), I often stare directly at people. Not to truly see or watch them, but it’s just something I unknowingly do as I think. The kids now recognize “the look” and know that if they start talking to me, I likely won’t be able to truly hear them, even though I am looking right at them. haha!
- I wrote these “fun facts” while the kids were not around, so I resorted to staring at a sign above Papa and my bedroom door. It didn’t inspire me in any way, but it did help me to have something to focus on while I processed my thoughts.