Sorry to miss Fun Fact Friday last week … but I’m back again! Here are a few fun facts about me, Momma. 🙂
- The longer we serve in the foster care system, the deeper my passion grows for all of the people involved in it: children, birth families, caseworkers, GALs (Guardian Ad Litems), Judges, Attorneys, aides, licensing workers, fellow foster families, etc.
- I have had more people in the last few months talk, share, and ask questions about foster care than I have had in a long while. I absolutely love it. If you want to connect with me, please feel free to click the “contact me” tab at the top of the page!
- I miss drinking coffee on a daily basis.
- I do not particularly enjoy eating grass-fed beef (unless it’s ground beef). It truly smells and tastes like I’m eating a cow. Yes, yes, I know that’s exactly what I’m doing … but the gamey taste is a bit much for me.
- I do not wear only gold or only silver jewelry. I prefer to wear a combination of the two, if at all possible.
- When I was a little girl, I watched 3 movies over and over and over again: Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, and Beauty and the Beast. My sister and I sang the songs frequently, similar to how it is today with each new Disney movie that is released (Frozen, Tangled, Moana).
- Ice skating intimidates me. I always picture myself falling on my booty, on my skate, landing on the back tip of the ice blade. Ouch!!!
- I am not coordinated enough in my fingers to play video games these days. I get all confused with the plethora of button options. Now, give me an old school, simple, few buttons, rectangular-shaped gray Nintendo controller and I’m good-to-go.