As I write this, it is the night before Munchkin’s hearing. It’s going to be a big day. The trajectory of her life will be set in “permanent” motion. We will find out who will be adopting sweet Munchkin.
Please know, on the day this post is published, the hearing will have already taken place. We will already know its outcome and will be telling you the Judge’s decision tomorrow (so don’t forget to come back to see what was decided!).
Even though I am running various thoughts and ideas through my mind about the hearing, I truly am feeling calm and ready. We had a Skype meeting with Munchkin’s lawyer (G.A.L.) and went over what to expect at the hearing. At this point, it sounds like the plan is for only me (and not Papa) to take the witness stand and testify. No pressure, sheesh! hahaha!
In all honesty, I don’t feel a ton of pressure. I know I will simply share what is already in my heart and mind. I don’t have to come up with or manufacture anything, so that makes things much simpler. What I want to communicate is part of who I am, so expressing those things to the Judge and the court is going to be natural, easy even. Sure, I’m nervous, it’s a new experience and it’s a big hearing, but I am not scared. Tomorrow, my heart may be in my throat and I might feel like I need to vomit due to nerves, but … then again, maybe not. It’s hard to guess how my body will react to the process. What I do know is that my heart remains steadfast. God’s peace that passes all understanding is covering my heart and mind as we trust Him in this process.
I didn’t realize this was possible, but the GAL shared (during the Skype visit) that the Judge most likely already has an idea of what he will decide. Thinking about it though, it makes sense. He has the reports and the history, so he isn’t entering this case blind. The testimonies during the hearing will either confirm or challenge what decision he is already leaning toward making. From start to finish, the hearing shouldn’t take any longer than 1.5 hours. That’s going to be a fast, emotional and likely an intense 1.5 hours. Oh how I hope and pray it’s not awkward with the extended family. Oh Lord, go before us and let us be full of grace and love throughout the entire hearing, and thereafter.
I’ll share with you, the GAL is hopeful the Judge will choose us. She was quite impressed he seemed to remember our family from Taz’s adoption 4 years ago. If that’s the case, she thinks that could be in our favor. As for Papa and me, we are keeping our hearts open for whatever happens. We will have hope and be realistic at the same time. I’m not sure how that happens, but it’s exactly how we are right now: open. We truly can see the Judge choosing either option in this case. Both families and homes are great options for Munchkin.
So, it is with a humble heart that I ask you to pray with us. Pray with us for Munchkin’s life. Pray with us as we ask God to place her exactly where she is to be for her “forever home.” His plan and His ways are the very best of all.
With an open heart and full trust in God, I thank you for joining us on this journey.
See you tomorrow …
And, as always always always …
To God be the Glory!