Fun Fact Friday – June 2, 2017

It’s crazy how quickly these Fridays keep coming! Here are a few more “fun facts” for you about my life:
  1. I prefer listening to singers with lower voices. The low tones are very calming to me. And, quite frankly, I can sing along more easily as I am also a lower toned voice. I’ve been told I am an alto, but I don’t know for sure as I’m not very knowledgeable in the music department.
  2. With my recent birthday, Papa gave me new paints and brushes to encourage me to paint. He knows I enjoy it but don’t typically make time to do it. I put one major thing on my “to do” list for Memorial Day and that was to “paint.” So, I painted a picture of a moon (see image below) by following an instructional video on YouTube. I hadn’t painted for about a year and a half and was reminded how much I absolutely love the process. Thanks Babe, for the encouragement, once again!
  3. We had a very tiny water hose leak from our refrigerator this past weekend. Unfortunately, that tiny leak has made quite the impact. It is likely the landlords will need to replace the kitchen flooring some time in the near future.
  4. I love shopping at garage sales. One of my favorite purchases was a box with three nice cast iron skillets (two of them were “Wagner” brand) for only $10.
  5. I am in the transition stage of our homeschooling planning as we slowly close out 2016-17 and prepare for the upcoming 2017-18 school year.
  6. I carry a pocket-sized “Moleskine Monthly Calendar” in my purse to keep track of our schedule while I am out and about. I just can’t seem to do digital calendars. I am a tangible paper and pen(cil) kind of a gal.
  7. I do not decorate my house for the various seasons or holidays (with the exception of Christmas). I’m just not much of a decorator, and I’m OK with that.
  8. I do not have a single plant (living, dead or fake) in my house. I can’t seem to keep them alive, so I don’t even try anymore.
  9. I can read a book or watch a movie for a 2nd or 3rd time and it will be like I’m enjoying it for the first time. I forget the plots and characters often, so it’s like I’m experiencing a new story every time. I’m not sure if this is a good or bad thing, haha!
  10. If all goes according to plan, Papa and I will have two weekly in-house date nights, one on Wednesday and one on Saturday. On these nights, the kids are on their own for dinner and then go to their rooms around 7pm to read, play or talk quietly (alone or with siblings). Meanwhile, Papa and I have our own special dinner and enjoy an evening of connecting, talking, vegging, playing games, watching tv, laughing, sleeping, or whatever else catches our fancy. Date night = Best night!