It’s interesting, as I think about the many things I want to share on this blog, I find I am constantly searching for something profound to say. I want it to be life-altering, deeply impacting, and pretty much amazing all-of-the-time. Sheesh, no pressure, right?! HA!
This is partly why I have not been writing on a regular basis over the past few weeks. I want my words to have meaning and significance. I value your time and want to make it worthwhile for you to come read what I have to say and share. I don’t want to post just anything, but I find that I’m just not posting anything at all.
Fear, once again, holds me back. Sigh.
I miss writing. It’s an amazing outlet for the constant thoughts and ideas that run through my head 24/7. I wake up in the middle of the night with ideas, but often lack the courage, time, and discipline to get it all out of my head.
Maybe I need to throw caution into the wind and simply write. It may or may not be profound or significant, but it will be me.
So, maybe that’s what I will try to do: just keep writing. No schedule. No grand expectations. No waiting for it all to be perfect timing to write. I’ll simply write because I absolutely adore the process. That sounds “perfect” to me.
Hmmmm … I wonder what else I hold back from doing because I want it to be perfect, significant or profound? I truly am pondering this as I type these words. I love to do various activities, but I often opt not to do them for fear of falling short or having them not be important or impacting in any way to others. What else do I neglect, primarily because of some sort of fear that is in me? I wrote a quick short list of some things that quickly came to mind:
- Painting pictures
- Playing my guitar
- Singing
- Writing (though I already mentioned this)
- Creating … of any kind (this is a BIG one)
These are probably the biggest areas where I tend to either 1) not do it at all because I am not confident enough in it, or 2) I am fairly confident in it, but I want it to always be so perfect and significant that it keeps me from doing it regularly.
Is the way to overcome both of these fears/hindrances to just jump right in and do them? No fear, just do it?
I’m guessing I’m not alone in this struggle …
Are any of you also holding back from pursuing various activities you love or enjoy? I’d love to hear what you have to share, if you’re willing. Truly, no pressure at all.
Yes indeed … no fear, no perfection, no holding back. Time for me to jump right back in …
To God be the Glory!