To keep things light and to not worry about posting “something profound,” I give you a few fun facts about my life:
- I am naturally a procrastinator. I often (but not always) do my best work when under pressure. Perhaps having a deadline motivates me to focus better and longer?
- We are going to be in a homeschool co-op this year with 15 other families. We love this group and have been part of it for about 6 or 7 years now! I can’t imagine homeschooling without these amazing people in our lives.
- The kids and I spent many hours this week sorting our Legos by color. Yup, by color. In the past, I never initiated this idea as I knew I’d likely get frustrated if the kids mixed the colors (similar to mixing Play-doh colors, you just don’t do it!). But, since they thought of doing this on their own, it just might work for a long while?! So, we all jumped right in to accomplish the huge task. Can I just say, “wow, we have A LOT of Legos!”
- For each of our foster children, I periodically send a very detailed “update” to the Caseworker, Guardian Ad Litem (GAL), and anyone else (like a therapist) who might find an update valuable. I include how the child is doing physically, emotionally, mentally, with visits, in school, at home, with friends, etc. These updates (emailed about once a month) have proven to be quite valuable in keeping everyone on the same page. Open. Honest. Always communicating. Oh, and since I’m not one to be few in words, my updates are always quite extensive. I sometimes even advise them to get comfy and grab a cup of coffee or hot tea before they begin reading my mini novels. haha!
- I prefer the second half of the rainbow colors over the first. I prefer greens, blues, and purples over reds, oranges and yellows.
- I love doing this crazy life with Papa.
- Because we live in a fairly transient location, it’s quite common for me to ask someone how long they plan to live here when I first meet them. Part of the reason for this question is to gage whether or not I have the time and energy to invest in developing a friendship with this new person (time is precious!). It probably sounds cold and snobbish, but it is not meant to be that way. I’ve simply learned to protect my heart from being broken again and again with saying “goodbye” when dear friends move away from me. And, quite frankly, if I do invest in them knowing they will move away soon, I go into the friendship with eyes wide open, prepared and ready.
- I have never had a root-canal. Yay!
- I cannot stand the cartoons “Arthur” and “Caillou.” I don’t like the attitudes of the characters on Arthur and I detest the whiney voice of Caillou’s character. My kids are forbidden to watch either one (but they don’t really ask or know about them, especially since they’re older and aren’t interested, so it doesn’t really matter).
- I had a belly-button ring when I was 20 or 21 … and promptly took it out about year later when I became pregnant with our firstborn, Bro.
- I love heavy blankets.
I’ll stop there …
Do you have a fun fact about yourself that you’d like to share with me?!
To God be the Glory!