

It’s easy to immediately think of singing when we think about “worship.” We sing to Him during our Sunday morning worship service, in the car as we listen to the radio, or as we wander about our day with worship songs playing in the background.

As I/we often learn over time, worship is oh-so-much-more than just singing, is is also a “lifestyle.” We worship the Lord with our decisions, our serving, essentially our very lives are worshiping Him as we seek to honor Him.

This morning, as I was reading through Matthew 14, I was struck by and reminded of another simple, yet profound way to worship the Lord … in declaring Truth about who He is.

Matthew 14:33,

Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, ‘Truly you are the Son of God.’

This short and sweet verse is found toward the end of Matthew 14 just after Jesus walked on water and calmed the storm. The disciples were in awe of what He had done and said so with their words. They didn’t break out into song, they simply declared Truth. They “worshiped Him” by saying WHO Jesus is, “Truly you are the Son of God.”

I love when familiar verses jump out to me. The Holy Spirit is so good to highlight Truth when we need it! What a beautiful reminder that I can worship the Lord all throughout the day, simply by saying what I know to be TRUE about Jesus. Not in my head, but declaring aloud. There is power in our words!

Even King David, amidst his emotional and physical struggles, would declare Truth. He would pour out his heart in the Psalms, but not end there in his emotions, he would state what he knows to be true about God. It was as if he would say, “I am in anguish and am struggling, but despite what I am feeling or experiencing, I know who You are and will proclaim these Truths!”

I am going to challenge myself to audibly declare the Truths about God throughout my day.

I will not only worship Him in Spirit … but also in TRUTH.

  • You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.
  • Jesus, You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
  • You are my Savior and Lord.
  • You are patient and kind.
  • You are the Great Shepherd, caring for, loving, and protecting Your sheep.
  • In You I can trust because You are trustworthy.
  • I do not have to fear because You are my refuge, my rock, my fortress, my place of safety.
  • You heal and restore.
  • You rescue.
  • You provide.
  • You lead and guide.
  • I am never alone for You are with me.
  • I have hope because You redeem.
  • You give life.
  • You are full of love and compassion.
  • I will worship You.

Do you know a Truth you want to declare about Jesus? There’s no need to wait until Sunday morning to sing, you can worship Him with your words right now, today.  

To God be the Glory, forever and ever, Amen.